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Research Reports

Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA

By on January 01, 2004

This booklet analyses the impact of SEWA, Self Employed Women‟s Association, on its members. SEWA is an officially registered trade union with a membership of over 700,000 self-employed women working in the informal economy in India. SEWA‟s impact is analysed by looking at eleven points that are a key focus of the organisation: employment, income, assets, nutrition, health, housing, child care, organised strength, leadership, self-reliance, and education. SEWA‟s organising strategies include organising members into trade groups or cooperatives; advocating policies that benefit members; collective bargaining on behalf of members; helping members develop their leadership skills. In addition SEWA offers following services to its members: financial services such as savings, loans and insurance; social services including child care, health care, and education; infrastructure services; and capacity building services.

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Citation Information

Chen, Martha A. Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA. , , . , 2004. Chen, M. A. (2004). Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA. , , . Chen, Martha A. "Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA." 2004, .Chen Martha A. "Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA." (2004). Chen, M A 2004, 'Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA', . Martha A Chen, 'Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA' (2004). Chen M. A. Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA. . 2004. Chen, Martha A. Towards Economic Freedom: The Impact of SEWA. . 2004. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.