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In this edition, we look at how climate change impacts people who live and work in poor communities. We also discuss Just Transition – what it means...

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About Wiego

Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) is a global network focused on empowering the working poor, especially women, in the informal economy to secure their livelihoods. We believe that all workers should have equal economic opportunities, rights, protection and voice. WIEGO promotes change by improving statistics and expanding knowledge on the informal economy, building networks and capacity among informal worker organizations and, jointly with the networks and organizations, influencing local, national and international policies.

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About the Informal economy

The informal economy includes workers who do not have employment-based social protection and enterprises which are not incorporated or registered.

Global estimates on the size of informal employment (ILO 2018) show 61% of all workers worldwide are informally employed. 

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It is a myth that cooperatives, which put people at the centre, are not a viable alternative to the current economic system because they lack productivity. Improving working conditions and people’s well-being favour productivity – not the other way...

How close collaboration between homeworker organizations and key allies secured a huge victory: for the first time, EU legislation on corporate sustainability will protect the human rights of all supply chain workers, including homeworkers.


The 2024 International Labour Conference (ILC) will include a general discussion on decent work and the care economy. WIEGO, along with sister organizations, will advocate for recognition of care as a public good, the right to care services and...