The Informal Economy Association of Mozambique (Associação da Economia Informal de Moçambique, AEIMO) in Mozambique was founded in 1999.  As of 2012, AEIMO had more than 4200 members.  Most of AEIMO’s members are street traders, but a small percentage of the members come from other informal worker sectors.

AEIMO’s objectives are to:

  • organize, unite and build solidarity between street traders and other informal workers
  • promote and defend the rights and interests of street traders and other informal workers
  • improve working and living conditions of street traders and other informal workers
  • improve quality of services rendered by street traders and other informal workers to society
  • encourage operators and workers in the informal sector and to make investments that enable their insertion in the informal sector
  • promote the cultural elevation and status of street traders and other informal workers
  • represent operators and workers of the informal sector before governmental and private institutions

Contact: Armindo Gustavo Alexandre Chembane


Avenida Olof Palme, No 245
Maputo, Mozambique
