These publications by WIEGO researchers, members and partners contribute to existing knowledge on the informal economy. The series has four broad categories to satisfy different readers’ needs.

WIEGO Publications Catalogue

The WIEGO Publications Catalogue is a complete guide to WIEGO's Publication Series, teaching materials, fact sheets, multimedia and other resources.

WIEGO Working Papers

WIEGO Working Papers are academic papers that contribute to the informal economy knowledge base. All WIEGO Working Papers are peer reviewed.

WIEGO Briefs

WIEGO Briefs aim to provide user-friendly documentation for those involved in advocacy, policy and research on the informal economy. There are six types, each with a different focus.

  • Policy Briefs offer information on policies and organizational practices that affect the informal economy. This series supports advocacy processes and disseminates better practices and ideas, contributing to a worker- and livelihood-centred approach to development.
  • Statistical Briefs 1) provide statistics on the informal economy and categories of informal workers in accessible formats at the regional, country and city levels; or 2) describe the methods for the collection, tabulation and/or analysis of statistics.
  • Law and Informality Insights reflect on our work supporting informal worker organizations to know, use and shape the law, and analyze statutory developments, law-making processes and jurisprudence that affect informal workers and their advocacy strategies. In 2019 they replaced our legal briefs.
  • Organizing Briefs contain information on organizing strategies and practices in the informal economy. This series aims to support organizing efforts and disseminate better practices.
  • Technical Briefs provide guides for both specialized and non-specialized audiences. These are designed to strengthen understanding and analysis of the situation of those working in the informal economy as well as of the policy environment and policy options.
  • Budget Briefs are popular versions of longer informal economy budget analyses (IEBA). Budget analysis aims to understand how government budgets address the needs and interests of informal workers, and to investigate what opportunities exist for informal workers, or their representatives, to participate at different stages of the budget process.


View all WIEGO Briefs

WIEGO Resource Documents

Resource Documents include WIEGO-generated literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, and papers reflecting the findings from new empirical work. They provide detail to support advocacy, policy or research on specific issues.

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Workers' Lives

Workers' Lives use descriptive profiles of individual workers to explore informal employment. The series illuminates, in different contexts, the living and working environments of informal workers and how they experience first-hand the impact of policies and organizing initiatives.

View all Workers' Lives