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The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges

By on January 01, 2018

"The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges has been published with the objective of moving forward conversations on a few ideas, priorities and directions embodied in the New Urban Agenda. While the choices represented by this publication do not reflect the sole importance of the issues chosen over the others, they do symbolize some of the key tasks that await us all, and where advances would need to be made rather quickly."

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Citation Information

ActionAid. The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges. , , . , 2018. ActionAid. (2018). The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges. , , . ActionAid. "The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges." 2018, .ActionAid. "The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges." (2018). ActionAid 2018, 'The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges', , , . ActionAid, 'The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges' (2018). ActionAid. The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges. . 2018. ActionAid. The New Urban Agenda: Prospects and Challenges. . 2018. , .

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