Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot
This brief details recent data on informal workers in Greater Accra, urban Ghana and Ghana overall, and looks at the data:
- by sex
- by occupational groups (domestic workers, home-based workers, market traders, street vendors and waste pickers)
- by status of employment
- by educational levels
- by age
It also looks at hours of work and workplace injuries.
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. Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21, , . WIEGO, 2020. (2020). Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21, , . "Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot." WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21, WIEGO, 2020, .. "Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot." WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21 (2020). 2020, 'Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot', WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21, , ., 'Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot' (2020) WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21 . Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21. 2020. Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 21. 2020. , .