Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence: What It Means for Subcontracted Workers in Workshops and Homes
This Position Paper – Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence: What It Means for Subcontracted Workers in Workshops and Homes – focuses on homeworkers and discusses what they do, the size and importance of this workforce, and why it is crucial that when the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is transposed into national law, care is taken to explicitly include them.
This paper states the position of HomeNet International, HomeNet South Asia, HomeNet Southeast Asia, Anukatham, Homenet Indonesia, HomeNet Thailand, Home Based Women Workers Federation, Labour in the Informal Economy, Sindicato Único de la Aguja, SITRABORDO, UNITY (TUSIW “Edinstvo”), National Trade Union Federation, SAVE (Social Awareness and Voluntary Education) and WIEGO.
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