Footloose Labour: A Symposium on Livelihood Struggles of the Informal Workforce
Seminar Issue 531
Available here
Articles include:
The Problem, by Harsh Sethi
Rethinking the Informal Economy, by Martha Chen
Growth, Informality and Insecurity, by Sukti DasGupta
Gender, Informality and Poverty, by Jeemol Unni and Uma Rani
Liberalization and Women, by Renana Jhabvala
Women Agricultural Workers, by Reema Nanavaty
Organizing the Unorganized, by K.R. Shyam Sundar
Enhancing Skills, by Sandra Rothboeck Vinita S.
Coping with Impovishment, by Jan Breman
Communities and Collective Security, by Ratna M. Sudarshan
Of Beginnings, Means and Ends, by Piush Antony
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