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Toolkits and Guides

Gestão da coleta seletiva e de organizações de catadores: indicadores e índices de sustentabilidade

By , , , on August 01, 2018

This is an update on the guide, based on the main findings of the report entitled: “Selective Waste Collection Project – Management models with and without waste pickers, advantages and disadvantages under the sustainability perspective” (Projeto Coleta Seletiva; modelos de gestão com e sem inclusão de catadores, vantagens e desvantagens na perspectiva da sustentabilidade).

Gestão da coleta seletiva e de organizações de catadores: indicadores e índices de sustentabilidade

The guide seeks to offer local governments, waste pickers’ organizations and experts interested in solid waste collection tools for diagnosing, planning, evaluating and monitoring solid waste systems. The overall objective of the resources provided, including the process of testing and improving the referred to indicators and sustainability indices, is to strengthen the management of selective waste collection by focusing especially on the roles carried out by local governments and waste pickers’ organizations. Thus, the guide stresses how indicators are essential in the processes of setting up selective waste systems that also seek socioeconomic, environmental and public health improvements.

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The Advocacy and Worker Education Hub

From worker education to toolkits and position papers, workers need tools and resources to support them in negotiations, advocacy and more. WIEGO designs content to help workers in informal employment strengthen their organizations and secure their rights.