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WIEGO Network Newsletters

Global Alliance of Waste Pickers Newsletter, November – December 2012

By , on December 01, 2012

Highlights include:
•    National Conference of Chilean Waste Pickers (Chile- December 2012)
•    Waste pickers from Africa, Asia, and Latin America at Expocatadores 2012 (Sao Paulo – November 2012)
•    Struggles and Victories in Bogotá (Colombia – 2012)
•    Gender Pilot Project draws interest of women and men (Brazil)
•    Kenyan Waste Pickers Doing It for Themselves (Kenya – November 2012)
•    Will to Be United: DRC Waste Pickers (Democratic Republic of the Congo – November 2012)
•    Conversation with a Cairo Activist (Egypt – November 2012)
•    Organizing Tips – Constitution: A Strong Foundation (Africa – November)
•    CHINTAN Report: Give Back Our Waste: What the Okhla Waste-to-Energy Plant has Done to Local Waste pickers (India)
•    SWaCH Newsletter – November 2012 (India)
•    “A Beijing Recycler’s Life” (Beijing, China)
•    Solidarity with ARB and the waste pickers of Bogotá
•    Victory! Recognition of Recycling

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