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Toolkits and Guides

ILO – Facilitating transitions from the informal to the formal economy

By on June 01, 2014

From this website: "The informal economy is significantly impacting the world of work, with as much as 40–80 per cent of the labour force in developing countries working within it. Increasingly, transition to formality has emerged as a priority policy agenda in developed and developing countries, and new policy initiatives and approaches are taken in different regions that facilitate this transition through multiple pathways.  At its 317th Session (March 2013) the Governing Body decided to place a standard-setting item on the agenda of the 103rd Session (June 2014) of the Conference on facilitating transitions from the informal to the formal economy, under the double discussion procedure, which means that this item will be dealt with at the current session and at the 104th Session of the Conference (2015)."

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