WIEGO Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Toolkit – Tool #7: How to conduct an online participatory evaluation workshop
This Tool 7 is an online version of Tool 5 of the WIEGO MLE Toolkit: How to conduct a participatory workshop: harvesting outcomes. That tool discusses the rationale and gives illustrative examples of running a participatory OH workshop, and these are not repeated here. Please read them first. Tool 8 is the online version of Tool 6 on outcomes analysis and strategic learning.
A great way to find out if WIEGO’s interventions –training or other kinds of support to Nets and MBOs– have worked well, or if people have used our tools and materials, is to engage them in a follow-up evaluation workshop.
This Tool takes you through the process of supporting participants to describe changes they or their organisations have influenced since WIEGO’s interventions, or since they got WIEGO’s toolkits or materials.
The online workshop in Tool 8 should take place one or a few days after this first workshop, giving you time to analyse the harvested outcomes before the workshop. It engages participants to interpret the analysis of the outcomes they harvested. They consider if and how well they are using the materials and having the influence they hope to have, whether on their own institutions or on external actors.
The online workshops described in these two tools (7 and 8) aim to strengthen the capacity of participants in telling their stories and in analysing their influence and its strategic implications.
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