National Brazilian Waste Policy
"This is a law document. This law establishes the Brazilian National Policy on Solid Waste; it amends the Law no. 9,605, February 12, 1998; and gives other matters.
"The millions of people worldwide who make a living collecting, sorting, recycling, and selling materials that someone else has thrown away are referred to by many different terms in different regions. These include scavengers, recyclers, ragpickers, binners, and waste pickers. At the First World Conference of Waste Pickers, held in Colombia in 2008. a provisional consensus was reached to use the generic term "waste pickers" in English (but, in specific contexts, to use the term preferred by the local waste picking community). While an international consensus is still to be reached amongst activists, waste specialists, membership-based organizations (MBOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the term waste pickers has been adopted and put into use by WIEGO as a useful generic term that suits the purposes of current global networking."
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