Number 5: Steps Towards Compliance With Order 275 of 2011
In “Steps Towards Compliance with Order 275 of 2011”, the fifth video in the series Chronicles of a Fight for Inclusion, waste pickers recount the content of the Constitutional Court’s Order 275 – issued in response to the Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá’s (ARB) legal actions to defend their right to work – and the measures put in place by the District Administration to comply with it. The video also explains the features of the payment scheme implemented in 2013 for services rendered by waste pickers to collect and transport recyclable materials. It outlines the requirements to participate in the scheme, and more importantly, it shows the positive impacts the payment scheme has had in waste pickers’ lives.
Hacia el cumplimiento del Auto 275 de 2011 sub.Ingles from Christian Mantilla on Vimeo.
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