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We have recently updated the WIEGO website and are in the process of rebuilding a number of pages. You might encounter layout issues on pages as we work on them. Thank you for your understanding.

Toolkits and Guides

Oi! Foi bom te ver lá na formação. Na sua turma também tinha catadores e catadoras do Brasil todo e que trabalhavam na rua ou galpão?

By on November 21, 2021

Cartão-Memória Cata Saúde:

Este cartão-memória reconta como foi o projeto de capacitação online Cata Saúde Viraliza a partir de um diálogo entre catadores reconstituindo como foi, qual a metodologia, os temas e a dinâmica de interação no projeto.

Memory Card Cata Saúde

This popular education memory card traces back the Cata Saúde Viraliza project through a dialogue between waste pickers: how it worked, the methodology, themes and the internal dynamics of the project.

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The Advocacy and Worker Education Hub

From worker education to toolkits and position papers, workers need tools and resources to support them in negotiations, advocacy and more. WIEGO designs content to help workers in informal employment strengthen their organizations and secure their rights.