Report on challenges faced by trade unions in organizing and representing workers in informal employment
To deepen knowledge and understanding of the relationship between trade unions and workers in informal employment, CUT Brasil and WIEGO conducted a survey on “Trade unions' challenges and responses in organizing and representing workers in informal employment.”
The research was conducted by Laura Morillo Santa Cruz from WIEGO and Clair Siobhan Ruppert from CUT Brasil from November 2021 to March 2022. Thirty-seven trade union organizations from 33 countries participated in a survey, and representatives of eight trade union organizations were interviewed.
This report shares the findings of the research. The purpose of the survey and interviews was to collect information regarding the following:
- Economic activities/sectors of the workers in informal employment organized by trade unions.
- Legal challenges or obstacles in organizing and representing workers in informal employment.
- Internal trade union barriers that impede or stop organizing and representing workers in informal employment.
- Direct affiliation.
- Participation and representation of workers in informal employment in national boards of trade union organizations.
- Rights and duties of workers in informal employment in trade union organizations.
- Trade union services and benefits offered to workers in informal employment.
- Challenges in including workers in informal employment in trade union organizations.
- Levels of advocacy efforts in favour of workers in informal employment.
- International instruments as tools for rights and struggles of workers in informal employment.
- Advocating for implementation of R204.
The report includes a note about the terms “informal economy” and “workers in informal employment” used by the ILO.
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