Your Rights and Duties as an Informal Trader
This guide is meant for informal traders in Accra, Ghana. It covers market traders who sell in public markets. It also covers hawkers who...
Read MoreApplying International Labour Standards to the Informal Economy – Chapter 1: Convention 87 – Freedom of Association
To provide workers and workers’ organizations, including unions, the tools to use existing ILO conventions and recommendations creatively...
Read MoreApplying International Labour Standards to the Informal Economy – Introduction
To provide workers and workers’ organizations, including unions, the tools to use existing ILO conventions and recommendations creatively...
Read MoreYour Toolkit on ILO Convention 189 – The Domestic Workers’ Convention (Caribbean Region)
WIEGO and the IDWF partnered to write this toolkit to support IDWF affiliates in their efforts to make C189 real for domestic workers. The...
Read MoreMaterial de Apoio Jornada Formativa Online Bonitas – Digital Tools Capacity Building Workshops
Este é o compilado do material de apoio disponibilizado ao longo da Jornada Formativa Online do Programa Bonitas Wiego para as catadoras...
Read MoreGuidelines and Standards for Day-Care Centres in and around Markets in Ghana
These guidelines and standards for day-care centres in and around markets in Ghana were developed through the collaborative efforts of a...
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