Descubra los recursos de la OIT sobre el trabajo doméstico – Remuneración y tiempo de trabajo
De esta edición del boletín de la OIT: “En una serie de e-mails, INWORK les presenta las publicaciones más importantes de la Oficina...
Read MoreWelcome to the ILO Domestic Work Debrief
This is the January 2015 issue of ILO’s newsletter to feature its resources on domestic work. The resources include materials for research,...
Read MoreBulletin LEDNA février 2015
Éditions supplémentaires du bulletin LEDNA sont disponibles en anglais et en français. Le site de LEDNA est disponible ici.
Read MoreILO – Facilitating transitions from the informal to the formal economy
From this website: “The informal economy is significantly impacting the world of work, with as much as 40–80 per cent of the labour...
Read MoreIDWF e-Newsletter #10 January 2016
This newsletter includes links to reports, videos and other information about IDWF.Disponible en españolOther issues of IDWF Newsletter are...
Read MoreConsiderações Teóricas sobre Gênero, Empoderamento e Resíduos – Livro 1
Da Teoria à Ação: Gênero e Reciclagem de Resíduos
Um Kit de Ferramentas para Professores, Pesquisadores e Profissionais.
Read MoreFITH e-Boletín #11 abril 2016
Este boletín incluye enlaces a los informes, videos y otra información sobre la FITH.
Available in EnglishOtras ediciones de FITH Boletín...
Read MoreExecutive Summary: Selective Waste Management and Waste Pickers’ Organizations: Indicators and Sustainability Indices
This is a 5-page executive summary of a 59-page research guide (in Portuguese), Gestão da coleta seletiva e de organizações de catadores:...
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