The Triple Crisis: Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Workers’ Care Responsibilities, Paid Work and Earnings
Key findings and policy recommendations pertaining to the impact of the pandemic on informal workers' care responsibilities, paid work and earnings, based on research undertaken as part of the COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy study.
Between February and June 2020:
1. Women informal workers who report an increase in their care responsibilities—including cooking, cleaning, child care and care for the ill and older persons—are working fewer days and earning less than other informal workers.
2. Men who report an increase in their care responsibilities work fewer days, but do not see a significant drop in earnings as compared to other men working in the informal economy.
3. Both women and men who report an increase in their care responsibilities have resorted to asset-depleting strategies that deepen intergenerational poverty. For women informal workers, this undermines their capabilities in the long term.
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