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Stories/Case Studies

Wanted: Space in the City

By , on January 01, 2011

Wanted Space in the CityA group of impoverished waste pickers in Munger, Bihar, India organized to protest the demolition of their traditional homes to make way for a railroad overpass. Their lives and livelihoods were disrupted, and no suitable land offered. With the support of SEWA, the residents have taken their case to government officials for a year-and-ahalf while living in plastic makeshift housing. On August 18, 2011, having exhausted all democratic avenues, dozens of members of this community began a hunger strike.

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The Advocacy and Worker Education Hub

From worker education to toolkits and position papers, workers need tools and resources to support them in negotiations, advocacy and more. WIEGO designs content to help workers in informal employment strengthen their organizations and secure their rights.