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About Our Work in Bangkok

WIEGO has long supported the work of HomeNet Thailand and the Federation of Informal Workers of Thailand. We collaborated on assessing the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on workers in informal employment in Bangkok, and before that the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. At the regional level, WIEGO partners with HomeNet Thailand on social protection advocacy.

Goals What Are We Working to Achieve?

Featured: Impacts of Cost-of-living on Informal Workers in Bangkok

How We Work

  • Research

    We coordinate and support action research, statistical and budget analysis, and good-practice documentation to ensure workers have a strong evidence base to support their advocacy.

  • Policy Advocacy

    We support HomeNet Thailand to develop proposals for policy change, drawing on both lived experiences and technical knowledge of their sectors. We support them in advocacy efforts to engage government and other stakeholders on these proposals and fight for reforms.

The Latest Statistics on Work in the Informal Economy in Bangkok

WIEGO does groundbreaking statistical work to help policymakers and workers understand the size and characteristics of the informal economy in cities across the world.

Access the latest statistics
  • 28.4%

    of Bangkok’s total employment is informal employment

  • 42.1%

    of total employment in urban Thailand is informal employment