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Avi Majithia, Shalini Sinha, Malavika Narayan
Delhi stands at a critical historical juncture. More than a year after the onset of the COVID-19 crisis and a few months after a devastating second wave of infections, the city remains in a state of crisis. A policy opportunity that comes along only once every two decades – to define a new vision for Delhi’s future – has opened up at this time, allowing for potentially meaningful change.
Teresa Marchiori
Governments, preoccupied with guaranteeing the availability of essential goods and services, compiled lists of essential activities that could continue operating during COVID-19 lockdowns. In 21 countries in Africa and 12 countries in Latin America, some form of informal food vending was designated as essential. As cases are rising again, national and local governments should take stock of the good practices and pitfalls that have emerged. But informal food vendors’ role as essential economic actors does not end with the pandemic.
Laura Alfers, Nicole Pryor

“Nuestras manos cartoneras han hecho del mundo un lugar mejor.” – Jaquelina Flores, de la Alianza Global de Recicladores.

“Esto es trabajo. No es solo darte una mano en casa.” – Carmen Britez, vicepresidenta de la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores del Hogar (IDWF).

Laura Alfers, Nicole Pryor

"Nos mains de récupératrice·eur·s de matériaux ont rendu le monde meilleur." – Jaquelina Flores de l’Alliance mondiale des récupératrice·eur·s.

"C’est un travail. Il ne s’agit pas tout simplement de donner un coup de main à la maison." – Carmen Britez, vice-présidente de la Fédération internationale des travailleuses domestiques (FITD).

Laura Alfers, Nicole Pryor
COVID-19 has exposed government inaction in extending dignity and fairness to informal economy workers in the most brutal way. Let’s take a look inside the policy toolbox governments have used to get workers through the COVID-19 crisis.