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Pilar Balbuena, Caroline Skinner
Street vendors provide essential services in cities across the globe, particularly in Africa, Asia and South America, where residents rely on them for basic needs. They are part of a vast informal food system that keeps much of the world from going hungry. But the pandemic has devastated the livelihoods of street vendors, disrupting their ability to do their jobs and leaving many in a fight for survival. 
Leslie Vryenhoek, with files from Laura Morillo
Home-based workers are among the world’s most invisible and overlooked workers, and they are all too familiar with insecure earnings and isolation. Increasingly, however, they have been organizing. The COVID-19 crisis has underlined just how valuable that collective association can be for individuals—and for communities. This blog provides examples of how home-based workers have met the challenge by adapting.
Leslie Vryenhoek, with files from Laura Morillo
Las personas trabajadoras en domicilio están entre las más invisibilizadas y descuidadas del mundo, y están demasiado familiarizadas con la inestabilidad salarial y el aislamiento. Sin embargo, han comenzado a organizarse cada vez más. Esta crisis resaltó lo valiosa que puede ser la asociación colectiva para los individuos y para las comunidades. Este blog presenta algunos ejemplos sobre cómo las personas trabajadoras en domicilio han logrado adaptarse para superar los desafíos que se les presentaron.
Leslie Vryenhoek, with files from Laura Morillo
Les travailleurs à domicile sont parmi les travailleuse•eur•s les plus invisibles et les plus négligé•e•s du monde, et connaissent trop bien la précarité des revenus et l'isolement. Cependant, elles et ils s'organisent de plus en plus. La crise de la COVID-19 a mis en évidence la grande valeur que l’association collective peut avoir pour les individus et pour les communautés. Ce blog fourni des exemples sur comment les travaillese•eur•s à domicile ont su relever les défis par l’adaptation.
Marty Chen

On March 24, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, announced a 21-day lockdown across India to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The very next day, recognizing that the lockdown would break the food supply chain, the Municipal Corporation of Ahmedabad, India, announced an innovative initiative called “Vegetables on Wheels” to deliver fresh vegetables and milk to curfew wards of the city by e-rickshaws (electric 3-wheel rickshaws).