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The world is rapidly transforming and one of the biggest trends right now is the new world of work. But forget all the talk about a future of automation and robots. We’ve already reached a tipping point: 61 per cent of the world’s workforce is now informally employed.


In 2019, informal workers made some noise — in their home cities and at the highest global change-making bodies. They took to the streets, met with local officials and stood in front on the International Labour Organization in Geneva demanding to be seen, heard and, ultimately, treated with the respect and dignity they deserve as workers.

And they won.

The clock is ticking on the road to meeting the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets by 2030. Governments everywhere are strategizing and implementing to reach these and other global benchmarks. But are top-down solutions suitable for bringing much-needed change to complex social, economic and environment challenges? The working poor face these challenges every day and often have the keenest insight into ways forward. That’s why it’s essential for decision-makers to listen to, and include, the people most impacted by poverty, climate change and social and political exclusion. We’ve highlighted five ways grassroots organizations of women workers are leading the charge to a more equitable and sustainable future.
Carlin Carr

Pushpa Rathod’s work days are unpredictable. On any given day, she may be talking to adolescents about their health, counseling women working in the informal economy on how to access daycare or advising community members on insurance, pensions or housing initiatives.

Pilar Balbuena, Sonia M. Dias
Alors que la COP25 est lancée, notre couverture détaillée de l’actualité des deux dernières années révèle que l’armée verte de récupératrices et récupérateurs de matériaux vouée au recyclage urbain mérite d’être mieux reconnue pour l’énergie qu’elle consacre à résoudre l’un des problèmes les plus urgents de notre époque.