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Next month, we’ll find out if director Alfonso Cuarón Orozco’s moving portrayal of a domestic worker in 1970s Mexico will gain nods from the Academy with an Oscar. Having recently taken home “Best Picture” at the Critics’ Choice Awards, hopes are high.

Carlin Carr

As global inequality rises in many places around the world, creating more inclusive cities comes with increasing challenges.

Change doesn’t come passively, especially for the world’s most invisible workers. That’s why informal workers across the globe have been rallying together, forming stronger and savvier membership-based organizations and standing up to demand recognition and rights.

These five stories exemplify the important outcomes of grassroots organizing efforts – from a new street vendor organization calling on Bangkok’s municipality to halt evictions to women headloaders in Accra’s famed markets who demanded the abolishment of unfair tolls.


¿Cómo será el trabajo en un futuro con robots y automatización? Este tema ha sido profundamente abordado durante el año, pero los debates a menudo pasan por alto la realidad de más de la mitad de los trabajadores y trabajadoras en el mundo ‒los que laboran en la economía informal. Aquí recordamos las cinco entradas del blog de WIEGO en 2018 que reflexionan sobre temas relacionados con el “futuro del trabajo” y demandan una mayor comprensión de las realidades sobre el terreno de los y las trabajadoras de los países en vías de desarrollo.


What will work look like in a future of robots and automation? This question has taken the year by storm, but the debates often overlook the reality for more than half the world’s workers — those in the informal economy. We look back at five WIEGO blog posts from 2018 that rethink headlines about the “future of work” and call for a broader understanding of the realities on the ground for millions of workers across the Global South.