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In August 2016, Mexico City's Commission on Human Rights (CDHDF) issued the first-ever recommendation on waste management service to address the labour conditions of the city’s waste pickers. It includes measures that the central government and the delegations (municipalities) should implement to guarantee the labour rights of waste pickers who provide the services of collecting, sorting and transporting recyclable materials at no cost to the city.

Carlin Carr

Down a small alleyway off of a busy Bangkok road, a residential workshop the size of a small corner store rarely stops humming. The workers, who spend long hours hunched over machines, produce intricately designed bronze flatware that has been a tradition for generations in the Pradit Torakarn community.

Creating “inclusive cities” is a hot topic right now. Habitat III has just wound up in Quito, Ecuador – the UN’s urban conference that brought together urban leaders from around the world – and the recently adopted New Urban Agenda sets forth a roadmap for creating a more just and sustainable urban world. How national and local governments will do this and what models they will follow is still a question – one for which WIEGO’s Inclusive Cities project may have some answers.


Gisèle Yasmeen, la nueva Directora de Protección social de WIEGO habla sobre el aumento de la visibilidad de las y los trabajadores en empleo informal

Tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar con la nueva Directora del programa de Protección social de WIEGO, la Doctora Gisèle Yasmeen, sobre algunas de las principales tendencias en dicho sector en la actualidad. Gisèle tomó el cargo en abril de 2016, sucediendo a Francie Lund, Directora y fundadora del programa.