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Olga Abizaid

More than 140 informal worker leaders from Lima and other cities in Peru gathered in November to create a common platform of demands and proposals to put forward to the 2016 presidential candidates. The National Meeting of Informal Workers, a two-day meeting convened by WIEGO and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), was the first meeting of informal workers, for informal workers, at the national level.

Photo: Juan Arredondo/Getty Images Reportage

This year’s Human Development Report, the United Nations Development Programme’s flagship publication, revisits the relationship between work and human development. The report argues that work can act as a catalyst of human development, among other things, because it allows people to earn their livelihoods; it is a way of participating in society; and it provides security and a sense of dignity.

Por Tania Espinosa Sánchez


El papa Francisco ha hecho del medio ambiente y los pobres una prioridad máxima desde que asumió su influentísimo puesto como cabeza de la Iglesia Católica. Pero, este enfoque no es nuevo; lleva muchos años trabajando para traer mayor dignidad a los trabajadores invisibles del mundo, especialmente a los pepenedores.