All posts in Child Care
Childcare, an Important Step on the Road to Recovery for Women Workers – Webinar Report
The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented public health and humanitarian crisis, marked by forced lockdowns, social distancing, and...
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Childcare, an Important Step on the Road to Recovery for Women Workers – Policy Brief
Toolkits and Guides
Cartilha de precificação para o trabalho dos catadores e das catadoras
Pagamento por serviços na catação Esta cartilha apresenta orientações de como precificar o trabalho dos catadores seja das organizações coletivas...
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Oi! Foi bom te ver lá na formação. Na sua turma também tinha catadores e catadoras do Brasil todo e que trabalhavam na rua ou galpão?
Cartão-Memória Cata Saúde: Este cartão-memória reconta como foi o projeto de capacitação online Cata Saúde Viraliza a partir de um diálogo...
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Family-Friendly Policies for Workers in the Informal Economy
This policy brief is an outcome of a collaboration between WIEGO, UNICEF and the ILO in advocating for family-friendly policies to protect...
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Workers Take Fight for Social Protection to ILC
The global networks of workers in the informal economy including the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers, HomeNet International, International...
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Women Informal Traders and Child Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from Accra, Durban and Nakuru
Key Points The public health measures taken to contain the pandemic coupled with the economic slowdown have significantly reduced women informal...
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Ten Years Since Winning C189: Domestic Workers Become an Unstoppable Movement
Read MoreJun 03 2021
Extending Social Protection to Women and Men in the Informal Economy
- June 3, 2021 - June 19, 2021
- ILO Headquarters, Geneva
109th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) ‣ ILO final Statement ‣ Introduction ‣ Global Network Position Paper ‣ Notable...
DetailsMay 20 2021
Child-Care Services and Women’s Work
- May 20, 2021
- Online
Access to child-care services for informal women workers This webinar sought to bring together different actors in the child-care sector...