All posts in Climate Change and Just Transition
Advocacy Materials
Waste Picker Collectives and Climate Vulnerability in Belo Horizonte
This resource maps the locations of sorting sheds used by Belo Horizonte’s cooperatives and associations, comparing them with the municipality’s...
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Vulnerabilidade Climática em Belo Horizonte (MG) e as Cooperativas e Associações de Catadores e Catadoras
O documento identifica a localização dos galpões de triagem das cooperativas e associações de Belo Horizonte cruzando-as com as informações...
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Building Collective Power December 09, 2024Labour Rights are Human Rights! Beyond the Slogan for Workers in Informal Employment
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CATA – Climate Change and Women Waste Pickers
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Building Collective Power August 16, 2024Why African Craft Makers Should Understand Supply Chains Better
African home-based workers are at the bottom of craft supply chains. Through an increased understanding of those supply chains they could...
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Access to Public Space July 29, 2024How Recyclers and Vendors in New York City are Challenging Big Money to Build a Better City for Working People
By keeping corporations accountable for the waste they produce and providing affordable goods and services to working class people, recyclers...
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Building Collective Power July 04, 2024Overturning the Productivity Mandate: Putting People at the Centre
It is a myth that cooperatives, which put people at the centre, are not a viable alternative to the current economic system because they...
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Climate Change and Just Transition November 27, 2023From Climate Research to Climate Action: Climate Change Mapping of Impacts on Brazilian Waste Pickers
From rising temperatures to shifting work conditions, a new study highlights the vital role waste pickers play in managing urban waste and...
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Climate Change and Just Transition November 08, 2023Catadores e catadoras obtêm apoio governamental para aumentar sua resiliência às mudanças climáticas
Um novo estudo realizado pela WIEGO mostra que 90% dos catadores e catadoras entrevistados em diferentes regiões do Brasil sofreram com eventos...
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Climate Change and Just Transition November 08, 2023Waste pickers procure government support to improve their resilience to climate change
New study from WIEGO shows 90% of waste pickers surveyed across Brazil have experienced climate-change-related extreme weather events Public...
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