All posts in Climate Change and Just Transition
Advocacy Materials
Calculadora de emissões de GEE 2.0
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Access to Public Space December 05, 20225 Local Actions to Support the Informal Workforce that Should Go Global
In promoting a better urban future, the United Nations recently called for the sharing of transformative approaches to local action – what...
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Climate Change and Just Transition August 02, 2022Enhancing Urban Informal Workers’ Contribution to Equity: A Call to Action
For its flagship GOLD Report, UCLG asked WIEGO for its expertise on the urban informal economy, with a focus on an agenda for action for...
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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Waste Pickers
This brief explores the challenges that waste pickers face with EPR and offers ideas for developing more inclusive EPR systems, based on...
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Building Collective Power May 19, 2022Waste Pickers Organize Into a Cooperative: Will Senegal Include Them in its Waste Management Plan?
Waste pickers at the Mbeubeuss dumpsite have set up their own cooperative in an effort to be integrated into the new waste management model...
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Oi! Foi bom te ver lá na formação. Na sua turma também tinha catadores e catadoras do Brasil todo e que trabalhavam na rua ou galpão?
Cartão-Memória Cata Saúde: Este cartão-memória reconta como foi o projeto de capacitação online Cata Saúde Viraliza a partir de um diálogo...
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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Inclusive Recycling
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Climate Change and Just Transition November 09, 2021New calculator reveals the amount of equivalent CO2 mitigated by waste picker activity
In time for the COP 26 United Nations Climate Change Conference, a new tool for calculating greenhouse gas emissions mitigated by waste pickers...
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Making home-based work environments safer, healthier and productive: Promoting energy efficiency & climate resilience (2)
This brief is a part of WIEGO’s documentation of Mahila Housing SEWA Trust’s (MHT) work to capture insights on their work that has...
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Making home-based work environments safer, healthier and productive: Promoting energy efficiency & climate resilience (1)
This brief is a part of WIEGO’s documentation of Mahila Housing SEWA Trust’s (MHT) work to capture insights on their work that has...
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