All posts in Climate Change and Just Transition
Climate Change and Just Transition June 16, 2020Press Release: Ghana waste pickers say closure threatens survival and demand government support
A decision to close landfills imminently is threatening the livelihoods of hundreds of waste pickers in both Accra and Kumasi, Ghana. Those...
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Access to Public Space June 09, 2020Waste pickers in Accra demand consultation on livelihoods in advance of landfill closure
Hundreds of waste pickers work in Accra’s Kpone landfill, recovering about 60% of the 1200 pounds of solid waste that are dropped off...
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How waste pickers prevent marine waste pollution: Resources to share
Sharable content on how waste pickers prevent marine waste pollution Presentation slides Available as PDF file. Click language link to download English – Español – Français ...
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Climate Change and Just Transition March 01, 2020The Open Dump Dilemma: How to Help the Environment and Respect Human Rights
We’ve all seen the pictures: heaping trash mounds with men and women sifting through the discards. This challenging situation has increased...
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Climate Change and Just Transition March 01, 2020El dilema del vertedero a cielo abierto: Cómo ayudar al medioambiente y respetar los derechos humanos
Todas y todos hemos visto imágenes al respecto: enormes montículos de basura con hombres y mujeres hurgando entre los desechos. Esta difícil...
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Climate Change and Just Transition March 01, 2020Le dilemme des décharges à ciel ouvert : Comment aider l’environnement et respecter les droits humains
Nous avons tous vu ces images : des monticules d’ordures avec d’hommes et femmes fouillant dans les déchets. Cette situation difficile a...
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Climate Change and Just Transition February 28, 2020March 1-5: Activities mark Int’l Waste Pickers’ Day
On March 1st, waste pickers around the globe will mark International Waste Pickers’ Day. Activities on that day and through the week...
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Climate Change and Just Transition December 07, 2019Who’s really “greening” future cities?
As COP25 gets underway, our deep dive into two years of news coverage reveals that the green army of waste pickers leading urban recycling...
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Climate Change and Just Transition December 07, 2019Qui travaille vraiment à l’écologisation des villes d’avenir ?
Alors que la COP25 est lancée, notre couverture détaillée de l’actualité des deux dernières années révèle que l’armée verte de récupératrices...
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Climate Change and Just Transition December 07, 2019¿Quién está haciendo realmente más ecológicas las ciudades del futuro?
Junto con el inicio de la COP25, nuestro profundo análisis de dos años de cobertura periodística revela que el ejército ecológico de personas...
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