All posts in Climate Change and Just Transition
Research Reports
Gênero e Meio Ambiente: A dupla Jornada de Injustiça Ambiental em uma Cooperativa de Mulheres de Catadoras de Materiais Recicláveis.
em português ABSTRACTS: English VALLIN, Isabella de Carvalho. Gender and Environment: the double burden of environmental injustice in...
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Proceso de integración de los cartoneros de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Del reconocimiento a la gestión de Centros Verdes y la recolección selectiva
En Argentina, y en particular en su Capital Federal (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires / CABA), la problemática asociada a los recolectores...
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Proyecto de reconocimiento de la situación de derechos humanos de los recicladores en latinoamérica: El caso de Ciudad de México, México
El presente documento describe en qué consiste la labor de los trabajadores voluntarios, la forma en que se realiza, las condiciones de salud...
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Failing the Grade: How Cities Across India are Breaking the Rules, Ignoring the Informal Recycling Sector and Unable to Make the Grade
Indian policies and rules, while not perfect, have some important safeguards and recognition for informal sector recyclers, particularly...
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La ville durable, moteur de transformation sociale ? Regards croisés entre l’Europe, l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes
The chapter is on pages 41-47.
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Give Back Our Waste
Summary from Chintan: Waste-to-Energy (WtE), the process of creating energy from waste, has gained broad appeal domestically and internationally...
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Not to be Taken for Granted: What Informal Waste Pickers Offer the Urban Economy
WIEGO Waste Sector Specialist Sonia Dias argues for a holistic approach to solid waste management that recognises the economic and environmental...
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Paying Waste Pickers for Environmental Services: A Critical Examination of Options Proposed in Brazil
This Brief synthesizes the main conclusions of the research and the methodology proposed by the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic...
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The Informal Recycling Market in Ormoc City, Philippines: Evaluation of Options to Enhance Resources Recovery and to Reduce GHG Emissions
In many developing countries the informal sector significantly contributes to resources recovery, which assists in reducing greenhouse gas...
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Posicionamento da WIEGO sobre FECHAMENTO DE LIXÕES
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