All posts in Global Research
Advocacy Materials
Medidas para hacer frente a la violencia de género en medio de la pandemia mundial
In this brief, we look at three countries, Indonesia, New Zealand and South Africa, that have responded to the shadow pandemic of gender-based...
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Measures to tackle gender-based violence amid the global pandemic
In this brief, we look at three countries, Indonesia, New Zealand and South Africa, that have responded to the shadow pandemic of gender-based...
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The Recognition and Protection of Informal Traders in COVID-19 Laws: Lessons from Africa
This paper analyses the COVID-19 laws of 41 Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone African countries with an informal trading lens. It considers...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study December 18, 2020Les 5 grandes leçons de la pandémie de la COVID-19 en 2020
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COVID-19 Crisis Study December 18, 2020Top 5 lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
It has been a year like no other. As the pandemic encompassed large swathes of the world, calls for staying home starkly emphasized the inequalities...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study December 18, 20205 aprendizajes de la pandemia de COVID-19 en 2020
Mientras la pandemia se extendía por el mundo, el llamado a quedarse en casa recrudeció las desigualdades de nuestra sociedad. La crisis...
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COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study: Policy Insights
Policy Insights: Key Findings and Policy Recommendations COVID-19 Vaccination and Informal Workers: Immunize, Don’t Marginalize February...
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COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study: Global Findings
Global Findings: The COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Study is a WIEGO-coordinated multi-city longitudinal study that assesses the...
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Informal Workers and the Social Protection Response to COVID-19: Who got relief? How? And did it make a difference?
Key findings and policy recommendations pertaining to COVID-19 food and cash relief measures for informal workers based on research undertaken...
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Note d’information de WIEGO sur la violence au travail
La Convention (n° 190) et la Recommandation (n° 206) de l’OIT sur la violence et le harcèlement ont été adoptées en 2019. Cette note d’information...
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