All posts in Livelihoods
Dec 01 2020
Habitat Forum (INHAF) Webinar Series on Rethinking Indian Cities
- December 1, 2020 - December 2, 2020
The vast majority of urban workers in India today (nearly 80 per cent) are informally employed. The urban informal workforce is engaged in...
DetailsNov 24 2020
Gender Equality: a Data and Policy Dialogue
- November 24, 2020
- Online
Part of the UN DESA Global Online Policy Dialogue Series November 24, 2020: 8:00 -9:30 am EST New data from the UN Secretary-General’s report...
Details- Presentations
Experience of Micro-Entrepreneuers in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas
Read More Oct 21 2020
Women, Informal Work & COVID-19: Data-based Policy Considerations
- October 21, 2020
- Online
2pm-3.30pm South African time
Livelihoods September 08, 2020Do no harm: Why harassment of informal workers hurts public health and economic recovery
Street vendors in Mexico City are providing affordable food, in open-air settings, to food-insecure populations. Waste pickers in Accra provide...
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Livelihoods September 08, 2020No hacer daño: Por qué el acoso a las personas trabajadoras en empleo informal perjudica la salud pública y la recuperación económica
Las vendedoras y vendedores ambulantes de la Ciudad de México están brindándoles alimentos accesibles, al aire libre, a las poblaciones con...
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Réduction des déchets dans les villes côtières grâce au recyclage inclusif (ReWCC): Étude de base sur les récupératrice.eur.s de la décharge de Mbeubeuss
Le présent rapport s’articule autour du système formel de gestion des déchets, et le diagnostic du système par les acteurs s’appuie sur l’analyse...
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Bâtir un Dakar plus inclusif et plus prospère : Recommandations reçues des travailleuses et travailleurs de l’informel
Ce rapport examine les contributions que les travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel apportent à Dakar.
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Access to Public Space June 09, 2020Waste pickers in Accra demand consultation on livelihoods in advance of landfill closure
Hundreds of waste pickers work in Accra’s Kpone landfill, recovering about 60% of the 1200 pounds of solid waste that are dropped off...
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Resources: COVID-19 Guidelines for Informal Traders in South Africa
COVID-19 Poster Guidelines for Informal Traders (in streets, markets and spaza shops) Poster
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