All posts in Livelihoods
Building Collective Power August 02, 2019Un nouveau projet qui explore comment les récupérateurs et récupératrices de matériaux peuvent aider à résoudre la crise des déchets plastiques dans les océans
Un entretien (Q&R) avec Taylor Cass Talbott Il est difficile de passer à côté des images choquantes de tas de plastiques flottant au...
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Livelihoods August 02, 2019Nuevo proyecto explora cómo los recicladores y recicladoras pueden ayudar a resolver la crisis de los residuos plásticos en los océanos
Entrevista a Taylor Cass TalbottEs difícil pasar por alto las portadas de revistas y noticieros con imágenes impactantes de montones de plásticos...
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Livelihoods August 01, 2019Trabajadoras y trabajadores en la economía informal celebran la aprobación de un nuevo estándar internacional sobre la eliminación de la violencia y el acoso
por Leslie Vryenhoek junto con Karin Pape y Rachel Moussié La Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) votó a favor de la aprobación del...
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Livelihoods August 01, 2019Travailleuses et travailleurs de l’informel fêtent l’approbation d’une nouvelle convention internationale concernant l’élimination de la violence et du harcèlement
par Leslie Vryenhoek avec Karin Pape et Rachel Moussié La Conférence internationale du Travail (CIT) a voté pour l’adoption de la Convention...
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Global Advocacy and Negotiations July 30, 2019New international labour standard will help protect vulnerable workers from violence and harassment
When the 2019 International Labour Conference voted to adopt Convention 190 on Ending Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (C190),...
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Access to Public Space July 10, 2019For Cities to Make Progress on SDGs and the New Urban Agenda, They Must Listen to Grassroots’ Solutions
Through a series of ambitious global commitments in recent years, governments across the world have signed on to build a more equitable and...
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Livelihoods July 04, 2019Delhi’s Free Public Transportation for Women Could be an Economic Game-changer for the Poorest
The recent proposal by the Delhi government to make public transportation free for women has been hailed as a way to improve women’s safety...
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Livelihoods July 03, 2019Nuevo proyecto muestra los riesgos de salud de los recicladores y recicladoras
Los recicladores y recicladoras, a pesar de mantener limpias las ciudades se enfrentan a condiciones peligrosas y precarias que afectan a...
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Formalization June 24, 2019In Colombia, a Global Model for Inclusive Recycling is under Threat
Without waste pickers, cities across Africa, Asia and Latin America would be buried in their own garbage. Informal recyclers have proven...
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Links with Economic Growth/Crisis June 18, 2019Living on the Precipice of Extreme Poverty: How Financial Downturns Devastate the Working Poor
The global economic crisis that rocked the world in 2008 led to increased financial hardship for informal workers, most of whom already lived...
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