All posts in Livelihoods
Livelihoods March 12, 2019Como atingir as metas de empoderamento econômico das mulheres: Primeiro, garantir que as mulheres possam reconhecer sua própria dignidade e autoestima
Valdete Roza é uma catadora brasileira e líder em sua cooperativa. Ela é pioneira em discussões de gênero com catadoras e catadores em toda...
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Global Advocacy and Negotiations March 11, 2019Cities are undermining the potential of universal cash grants to support women’s economic empowerment and reduce poverty
Ninety-two per cent of women’s employment in the developing world is in the informal economy, and as urbanization proceeds an increasing...
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Livelihoods March 08, 2019Working Poor Women are Redefining How to Achieve Gender Equality
For International Women’s Day, WIEGO is launching a month-long series to dive into the lives of women working in the informal economy. We...
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Building Collective Power March 08, 2019L’égalité des sexes : les travailleuses pauvres redéfinissent la voie à suivre
En cette Journée internationale de la femme, WIEGO lance une série d’un mois sur la vie des femmes travailleuses de l’économie informelle....
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Building Collective Power March 08, 2019Las mujeres pobres redefinen la forma de lograr la igualdad de género
Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer, WIEGO va a presentar una serie de artículos durante este mes de marzo para profundizar en las...
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Gender and Waste Project March 08, 2019How to Hit Women’s Economic Empowerment Targets: First ensure women can recognize their own dignity and self worth
Valdete Roza is a Brazilian waste picker and leader in her cooperative who is pioneering gender discussions with her colleagues across her...
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Building Collective Power March 05, 2019Sisterhood: How Solidarity Led Indian Women to Take on Gender Discrimination
Nazma is home-based worker who has often found herself at the mercy of the sub-contractors who employ her. But now she has joined forces...
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Building Collective Power February 28, 2019New Project Explores How Waste Pickers Can Help Solve the Ocean Plastics Waste Crisis
A Q&A with Taylor Cass Talbott It’s hard to miss the shocking images of heaping plastic floating in the middle of the world’s oceans...
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Livelihoods February 20, 2019In India, Pune’s Poorest Operate One of the World’s Most Cost-effective Waste Management Models
A Q&A with Lakshmi Narayan As cities across the globe struggle to find efficient, cost-effective ways to manage waste, the women waste...
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Livelihoods February 06, 2019Roma, galardonada y candidata a los Óscar y algunas lecturas imprescindibles sobre el trabajo del hogar
El próximo mes, sabremos si el conmovedor retrato del director Alfonso Cuarón Orozco sobre una trabajadora del hogar en México en los años...
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