All posts in Livelihoods
Livelihoods December 11, 2018Q&A: New Project Highlights Health Risks Faced by Waste Pickers
Waste pickers may keep cities clean, but they face hazardous conditions on the job. Their health and wellbeing is at risk on a daily basis....
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Livelihoods December 11, 2018Q&A: Novo projeto destaca os riscos à saúde enfrentados pelos catadores de materiais recicláveis
Os(as) catadores(as) mantêm as cidades limpas, mas enfrentam condições perigosas no trabalho. Sua saúde e bem-estar estão em risco diariamente....
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Livelihoods November 30, 2018Against the Odds: Resilience, Solidarity and Community Spirit Keep Warwick Markets Alive
Photos by Jonathan TorgovnikAbout half-a-million people flow through Warwick Junction every day — every one of them a potential customer...
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Livelihoods November 06, 2018In Lima, modernization makes work harder for some
Modernization in cities is meant to ease the commute for workers and offer convenience — to make lives easier. But too often, it’s the poorest...
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Livelihoods November 06, 2018En Lima, la modernización dificulta el trabajo diario de algunas personas
La modernización en las ciudades sirve para facilitar el desplazamiento de los trabajadores y aportar comodidades, para hacer la vida más...
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Livelihoods October 30, 2018How a pyramid sketch redefined the informal economy — and the new data that is putting that 20-year-old idea to the test
By Mike Rogan
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Livelihoods October 24, 2018Les nouvelles catégories d’emploi de l’OIT : un grand pas en avant pour les travailleurs et travailleuses de l’informel
Par Leslie Vryehoek WIEGO se réjouit des grands changements apportés à la Classification internationale d’après la situation dans la profession...
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Livelihoods October 24, 2018Nuevas categorías de empleo de la OIT: Un gran paso adelante para los trabajadores y trabajadoras en empleo informal
Por Leslie Vryenhoek WIEGO está celebrando los grandes cambios en la Clasificación Internacional de la Situación en el Empleo (CISE). Además...
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Livelihoods October 05, 2018Q&A: WIEGO’s New Urban Policies Director Talks Migration, 21st-century Cities and What Inspires Her Research
This week, we sit down with WIEGO’s new Urban Policies Programme Director, Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, to learn more about her background and...
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Livelihoods October 01, 2018Senegal’s Dump Upgrading Doesn’t Have to Displace Waste Pickers
The theme of World Habitat Day 2018 is municipal solid waste management and creating “waste wise cities.” In this article, WIEGO’s Waste...
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