All posts in Livelihoods
Livelihoods January 05, 2016La Nueva Agenda Urbana debe incitar a los planificadores a reconocer el trabajo informal
Los trabajadores en empleo informal tuvieron importantes logros en 2015, pero éstos deben ser consolidados en Hábitat III.
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Livelihoods January 05, 2016The New Urban Agenda must prompt planners to recognize informal labour
Urban informal workers represent the broad base of the urban economy in most developing countries. On average, these account for well over...
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Livelihoods January 04, 2016Trabajadores en empleo informal en el Perú presentan sus demandas y propuestas a partidos políticos
By Olga Abizaid
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Livelihoods December 23, 2015Informal Workers in Peru Present Their Demands and Proposals to Political Parties
More than 140 informal worker leaders from Lima and other cities in Peru gathered in November to create a common platform of demands and...
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Livelihoods December 18, 2015Trabajo y desarrollo humano: Entrevista con Nohra Padilla sobre la experiencia de los recicladores en Bogotá
Foto: Juan Arredondo/Getty Images Reportage
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Livelihoods December 15, 2015Work and Human Development: A Q&A with Nohra Padilla on the Experience of Waste Pickers in Bogota
Photo: Juan Arredondo/Getty Images Reportage This year’s Human Development Report, the United Nations Development Programme’s flagship publication,...
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Livelihoods December 09, 2015Four Lessons from Thailand’s Participatory Process in Gaining Universal Health Coverage
By Laura Alfers and Francie Lund
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Livelihoods December 09, 2015Cuatro lecciones del proceso participativo de Tailandia para obtener cobertura sanitaria universal
Por Laura Alfers y Francie Lund
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Livelihoods December 09, 2015Pope Francis, the environment, and waste pickers
By Tania Espinosa Sánchez Pope Francis has made the environment and the poor a top priority since assuming his massively influential position...
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Livelihoods December 09, 2015El papa Francisco, el medio ambiente y los pepenadores
Por Tania Espinosa Sánchez Basureando El papa Francisco ha hecho del medio ambiente y los pobres una prioridad máxima desde que asumió su...
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