All posts in Public and Workplace Services
COVID-19 Crisis Study March 17, 2021TV interview on lockdown’s impact on informal workers in South Africa
WIEGO’s Urban Policies Research Director, Caroline Skinner, spoke with eNCA’s Uveka Rangappa on March 16 about the impact of...
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Насилие и неформальная занятость
В данной информационной записке основное внимание уделяется причинам и последствиям насилия, с которыми сталкиваются неформально занятые...
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Panisara Adiraklarpnukul, a massage therapist in Bangkok
Español Français I am Panisara Adiraklarpnukul, a 59-year-old Thai Massage Therapist in Bangkok. I am a member of the Massage Therapist...
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The Triple Crisis: Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Workers’ Care Responsibilities, Paid Work and Earnings
COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Policy Insights No. 3 Key findings and policy recommendations pertaining to the impact of the pandemic...
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Mujeres líderes
English Français Para el Día Internacional de las Mujeres, WIEGO reunió las voces de mujeres líderes cuyas organizaciones dieron...
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Building Collective Power March 05, 2021Women Leaders
Español Français For International Women’s Day, WIEGO amplified the voices of women leaders whose organizations stepped up...
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Domestic Workers, Risk & Social Protection in Delhi National Capital Region
Delhi, India’s capital and a bustling metropolis, is home to many migrant workers from across the country. For most women migrants, domestic...
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Trabajadoras y trabajadores en empleo informal ven un largo camino hacia la recuperación, a menos que los gobiernos actúen
La crisis de la COVID-19 y la economía informal Conclusiones principales y recomendaciones de políticas relativas a los efectos del confinamiento...
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Les travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel prévoient un long chemin vers la reprise – à moins que les gouvernements passent à l’action –
La crise de la COVID-19 et l’économie informelle Conclusions principales et recommandations en matière de politiques relatives aux effets...
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Estudio sobre la crisis de la COVID-19 y la economía informal
English Français
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