All posts in SSE and Cooperatives
Worker Story
Jennifer Thaís Santos Fernandes, member of the National Movement of Waste Pickers in Brazil
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SSE and Cooperatives February 18, 2021HomeNet International brings a united global voice to home-based workers
Home-based workers and their allies are launching a global network in February 2021. HomeNet International (HNI) will unite the voices of...
Read MoreJan 27 2021
New Report on NYC Street Vendors and Canners Reveals Depth of COVID Exclusion on Informal Workforce
- January 27, 2021
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Tens of thousands of New York City residents make a living on NYC’s streets and sidewalks, selling food, merchandise, and recycling...
COVID-19 Crisis Study January 06, 2021WIEGO in The Economist
“Someone from the public or the government doesn’t wake up one morning and think ‘Let’s think about the waste pickers’,” she says. “These...
Read MoreNov 25 2020
Global 16 Days Campaign
- November 25, 2020 - December 10, 2020
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The Global 16 Days Campaign, launched in collaboration with global feminists by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) at its first...
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La situación de los derechos humanos de las personas recicladoras en América Latina: una mirada desde estándares internacionales
El objetivo del presente documento es ofrecer un panorama general de la situación en la que las personas recicladoras que laboran en el ámbito...
Read MoreAug 27 2020
Beyond Insecurity: A New Approach to Work, Wages and Wealth Distribution
- August 27, 2020
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7:30 am EDT (GMT -4) – 9:30 AM
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Impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 sobre reciclagem inclusiva no Brasil
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Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Inclusive Recycling in Brazil
Totally reshaping our systems of inclusive recycling is important if we take into consideration that waste pickers are an essential part...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study July 21, 2020Communication Tools To Empower Women Home-Based Workers During COVID-19
WIEGO has partnered with HomeNet South Asia in a Comic Relief-supported project, to highlight the various tools and strategies being used...
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