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Past Event

StreetNet International/WIEGO African Regional Social Protection Conference

  • June 21, 2023 - June 24, 2023
  • Lagos, Nigeria
StreetNet International/WIEGO African Regional Social Protection Conference. Photo by Jonathan Torgovnik.

Read the programme here!

WIEGO and StreetNet International have been collaborating for the past three years on work on social protection in sub-Saharan Africa. The aims of this programme of work have been, firstly, to improve knowledge and understanding of social protection among StreetNet affiliates and, secondly, to provide opportunities for affiliates to network to improve and advance their advocacy efforts on social protection at both national and regional levels. Finally, the programme aims to facilitate the development of a StreetNet regional platform of demands on social protection.

The programme has produced research on both worker-driven social protection schemes  and those driven by the state. Based on this research, it has run an online course on the basics of social protection for affiliates, which included developing advocacy strategies by the attending organizations. In October 2022, the programme hosted an exchange visit to Kenya for affiliates to learn from the region’s best practices in the provision of social protection by the state.

The hosting of a regional conference is the final activity in this programme of work. Its aims are:

  • Developing a cross-sectoral Africa regional position on social protection for self-employed informal workers; and a follow-up action plan for regional activities and advocacy.
  • Promoting networking and alliance building around social protection, particularly with the trade union movement at regional level, as well as with selected governments.
  • Promoting learning around worker-driven social protection schemes through an exchange visit with the Federation of Informal Workers of Nigeria (FIWON), as a complement to the earlier exchange visit held in Kenya.

The conference will be combined with a field visit to a worker-driven cooperative scheme run by FIWON.