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Past Event

6th StreetNet International Congress 2019

  • April 9, 2019 - April 12, 2019
Workers in the informal economy from six different sectors. A Domestic Worker, a Garment Worker, a Home-Based Worker, a Street Vendors / Market Trader, a Transport Worker, and a Waste Picker.

Unity is Our Strength!

The 6th Congress of StreetNet International (SNI) took place from 09-12 April, 2019, in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. The Congress is the highest decision-making structure in the organization and meets every three years to discuss the challenges of the sector and consult on strategies in moving forward as a unified voice.

In 2019, over 90 delegates from 49 affiliates in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe representing a membership of over 560,000 street vendors, informal market vendors and hawkers, were joined by allies in the informal economy movement to share knowledge and affirm goals and priorities.

New worker stories from StreetNet: From fighting eviction and police harassment to building a better future through credit and microloans, organized street vendors improve their lives. Read the stories.

The 6th StreetNet International Congress was organized by StreetNet’s current International Executive Committee, staff and sister organizations to ensure its success. The Congress had commissions for rules and procedures, elections and resolutions. There were presentations from the International Coordinator and the Treasurer during the plenary discussions.

The Congress is held in solidarity with membership-based organizations (unions, co-operatives or associations) directly organizing street vendors, market vendors and/or hawkers through democratic process for justice and their rights.

The key issues that were deliberated included:

  • Discussion on Resolution
  • Presentation of Constitutional Amendments
  • Elections for leadership positions, including the International President, the International Vice-President, the International Secretary, the International Treasurer and 11 additional members.
  • SNI Congress will have an exhibition space for affiliates as well as a cultural event. Affiliates will bring photographs, posters, banners and other material to share their work. A workshop on media will be part of the exciting activities for affiliates along with interviews and a daily bulletin.
  • SNI Congress will have an exhibition space for affiliates as well as a cultural event. Affiliates will bring photographs, posters, banners and other material to share their work. A workshop on media will be part of the exciting activities for affiliates along with interviews and a daily bulletin.

For updates, please follow SNI:



Twitter: @StreetNet1

For more information, see: