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Past Event

Celebrating Home-Based Workers

  • March 20, 2016
  • Ahmedabad, India
Workers in the informal economy from six different sectors. A Domestic Worker, a Garment Worker, a Home-Based Worker, a Street Vendors / Market Trader, a Transport Worker, and a Waste Picker.

Twenty Years and Time for Action Event

Celebrating Home-Based Workers, an international event in March 2016, was organized by HomeNet South Asia (HNSA) and WIEGO. Held in Ahmedabad, India, it marked the 20th anniversary of the Home Work Convention (C177) and shined a spotlight on the lives and work of too-often invisible home-based workers. It also sought to increase solidarity and highlight the need for the C177’s further ratification.

Hand-in-Hand with Home-based Workers, 2 of 2


The celebration gave home-based workers and organizers from 11 countries an opportunity to speak about the situation of home-based workers in their countries and their progress and plans. Home-based workers from Ahmedabad joined the celebration. There were 150 participants. The highlight of the event was the honouring of Ela Bhatt, acknowledged as the founder of the home-based worker movement. Several WIEGO team members were present including Marty Chen, WIEGO’s International Coordinator and Chris Bonner, Director of WIEGO’s Organization & Representation Programme. Renana Jhabvala, HNSA President and Chair of WIEGO, presided over the event.

Media Coverage of the Event

“In an increasingly networked world, we need to pool our resources and approach issues with a collaborative rather than a competitive mindset,” said Renana Jhabvala, president of Homenet South Asia (HNSA).” Read the full article.

HomeNet South Asia plans to offer a platform to Homebased workers to enable sustainable dignified livelihoods. … To proactively spearhead its agenda of promoting the interests of Homebased Workers and mark the 20th anniversary of ILO Convention 177 on Home Work and discuss the way forward, HNSA has organized an International Conference… Read the full story.