FES-WIEGO Child Care and Social Protection for Informal Workers International Meeting
- November 1, 2017 - November 3, 2017
- Durban, South Africa
Durban, South Africa
On November 1st and 3rd 2017, the FES-WIEGO Child Care and Social Protection for Informal Workers – International Meeting was held in Durban, South Africa. Co-organised by WIEGO and FES, this meeting sought to bring together some of the member-based organizations working on child care with the Global Union Federations (ITUC, PSI and IUF) and representatives from the relevant UN agencies, such as ILO and UNICEF.
The aim of the meeting was to share experiences and develop national and international advocacy plans to promote child care as a critical component of social protection systems for all workers including informal workers. This draws on the child care campaign WIEGO launched earlier in 2017 and the materials were shared at the meeting.
Among the organisations that sent representatives to the event were Economic Justice Network, GAMA, HomeNet Thailand, ILO, ITUC, IUF, SADSAWU, SAITA, SAIWA, SASEWA, SAWPA, Umbumbano and UNICEF. Laura Alfers and Rachel Moussié, WIEGO’s Director and Deputy Director of the Social Protection programme, respectively, attended the event.