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Past Event

Quality Childcare as a Right of All Workers

  • September 12, 2017
Workers in the informal economy from six different sectors. A Domestic Worker, a Garment Worker, a Home-Based Worker, a Street Vendors / Market Trader, a Transport Worker, and a Waste Picker.

New Delhi, India

Home-based worker in thailand

Photo by: Paula Bronstein – Getty Images/Reportage


Co-hosted by WIEGO, SEWA and FORCES (Forum for creches and child care services), the workshop “Quality Childcare as a Right of All Workers: Collaborating for Action” took place in New Delhi on 12 September 2017.

The objectives of this workshop were three-fold: to provide the space to hear and reflect on the childcare needs of different informal workers; to share and discuss experiences to promote childcare services that could be adopted in Delhi based on examples from FORCES, SEWA and other child care advocates and researchers; and to raise awareness of the national and global child care campaigns among informal workers’ organisations based in Delhi.

Several membership-based organizations (MBOs) representing street vendors, waste pickers and home-based workers were invited to the meeting. HomeNet South Asia was present as one of the MBO networks, as well as other MBOs based in Delhi. International organization representatives, including FES, ILO, Gates Foundation, Save the Children and ActionAid, were also invited to the workshop and to support the child care campaign in India. Shalini Sinha, Delhi Focal City Coordinator, and Rachel Moussié, Deputy Director of WIEGO’s Social Protection programme, attended the event.


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