Women General Assembly of Informal Workers engages Minister of Gender in Ghana
- September 30, 2017
Accra, Ghana
Photo: Juan Arredondo/Getty Images Reportage
On September 30, 2017, members of informal workers’ associations of Accra joined the Women’s General Assembly and engaged the Ghanaian Minister of Gender, in Accra, at the Holy Spirit Cathedral Hall.
The Assembly is an established platform for Street and Market Vendors to engage policymakers and government appointees on pertinent issues/challenges concerning their conditions of work.
Dorcas Ansah, Accra Focal City Coordinator for WIEGO, attended the event alongside representatives of several local partners’ workers’ associations: Greater Accra Markets Association (GAMA), Informal Hawkers and Vendors Association (IHVAG), Union of Informal Workers of Ghana (UNIWA), Ga East Traders Association, Ghana Federation of Informal Traders, Youth and Slums, Kayayei Youth Association, Ghana Homeless People Federation, under the umbrella of Ghana Federation the Urban Poor (GHFUP).