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Past Event

Global Social Protection Week

  • November 25, 2019 - November 28, 2019
  • ILO Headquarters
    Geneva, Switzerland
Woman with child, India

Global Social Protection Week was a high-level conference and technical discussion that will chart the way towards achieving universal social protection for all. WIEGO brought the informal economy into the discussion at the ILO event.

The goal of Global Social Protection Week was to provide a roadmap for the future of social protection within the framework of the recently adopted ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work. The week started with the two-day High-Level Conference on Achieving SDG 1.3 and Universal Social Protection (USP2030) in the Context of the Future of Work, followed by a two-day Technical Segment.

WIEGO Social Protection Director Laura Alfers attended the event and spoke at the session “Covering the missing middle: Informal economy workers” on 27 November. This session was an opportunity to:

  • discuss the barriers to the extension of social protection coverage to workers in the informal economy and how they can be addressed
  • highlight successful examples of countries that have extended social protection to workers in the informal economy, also with a view to achieving universal social protection
  • draw lessons learned and key success factors for the extension of social protection.

BLOG: What’s Missing from the Future of Work Debates?
Social Protection for 2 Billion Workers

The event brought together over 300 participants including governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, development partners, financing institutions, UN agencies, private sector, academia and civil society involved in the design and implementation of national social protection systems including floors. See the week’s agenda.


StreetNet International and WIEGO have produced this pamphlet on Organizing for Social Protection in English, Spanish and Russian.

HomeNet South East Asia (HNSEA) has developed this new advocacy brochure, Towards Universal Health Coverage for Home-Based Workers in Southeast Asia

Learn about WIEGO’s work to extend social protection to informal workers.