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Past Event

Collective Bargaining and Occupational Health and Safety for Informal Self-Employed Workers: Realizing ILO Recommendation 204

  • June 27, 2023
  • Warsaw, Poland
Labour Law Research Network Conference Thumbnail

We are pleased to announce that WIEGO will be participating in the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN) conference with a panel titled “Collective Bargaining and Occupational Health and Safety for Informal Self-Employed Workers: Realizing ILO Recommendation 204”. This panel will delve into the crucial issue of promoting collective bargaining and ensuring occupational health and safety for informal self-employed workers, in line with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Recommendation 204.

We invite all conference participants to join us in this engaging panel, which promises to shed light on the challenges faced by informal self-employed workers and explore practical approaches to realizing ILO Recommendation 204.


  • Marlese von Broembsen (WIEGO), Applying the Concept of “Personal Work Relations”: Making the Case for Collective Bargaining between Street Vendors and Local Authorities
  • Pamhidzai Bamu (WIEGO), Problematizing Public Space as the Workplace: Implications for Labour Law
  • Jane Barrett (WIEGO), Innovative Strategies for Collective Negotiations with the Local State: Waste Reclaimers in South Africa


  • Dennis Davis (Judge of the High Court, South Africa)