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Past Event

Resilience on the front lines: Building clean, healthy cities for clean, healthy seas

  • June 2, 2020
  • Online
Plastic bottles on the shoreline

7:30 am – 8:30 a.m. EDT (GMT-4)

On Tuesday, 2 June, waste sector specialist from WIEGO’s Urban Policies Programme, Dr. Sonia M. Dias joined global city leaders as they discussed how ocean pollution impacts cities, what cities can do to prevent it and how these efforts can address related city priorities, particularly in light of COVID-19 recovery efforts. She provided insights about the perspective of informal waste workers in the fight against ocean pollution and also as frontliners in the service provision of waste.

The session which targeted municipal officials, policymakers and practitioners explored how national governments, the private sector, civil society, and other partners can work with cities to achieve these goals.


  • To bring City leaders into the ocean pollution discussion to share their experiences with both impacts and solutions;
  • To identify cities’ needs for recovering post-COVID-19 with smart, circular, equitable economic systems addressing underlying vulnerabilities exposed through the crisis for a truly resilient recovery;
  • To bring together multisectoral stakeholders to identify and discuss robust solutions to address gaps and vulnerabilities and build urban resilience for healthier oceans and communities.

This webinar was organized by The Circulate Initiative, Ocean Conservancy, The Global Resilient Cities Network.


  • Sonia Dias, Waste Sector Specialist, Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO)
  • Mahesh Harhare, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Pune
  • Ben R. Jordan, Senior Director, Environmental Policy, Coca Cola
  • Vijay Padmanabhan, Director, Urban Development and Water Division, South East Asian Region, Asian Development Bank (ADB)