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Past Event

Virtual Speaker Series: Gender and Power in COVID-19

  • May 14, 2020
  • Online
Laura Alfers

WIEGO’s Social Protection Director Laura Alfers joined a panel discussion as part of the WomenLift Health Gender & Power in COVID-19 Speakers Series. 

Look around you and see what reality your fellow people live in. That’s what’s going to get you the reputation of a good leader, if you pay attention to how to protect the most vulnerable.

 ~Geeta Rao Gupta, Executive Director, 3D Program for Girls and Women

This is a moment for us to experiment and innovate to build new institutions of social protection and its delivery. 

~Gautam Bhan, Senior Lead, Academics and Research, India Institute for Human Settlements

“You can’t designate a group of incredibly vulnerable workers as essential and then do nothing to ensure they are protected while they work. That has to be the responsibility of the government if they are considering these workers to be essential.”

~Laura Alfers, WIEGO’s Director of Social Protection

Moderated by Amie Batson, the event drew over 250 viewers, and audience members had positive feedback about the expertise, distinct perspectives and discussion on the need for ethical leadership that marries larger social protections with public health.


The Gender & Power speaker series explored the gender and power dynamics at play in this health emergency, offering  a look into the challenges women face, and outlining immediate and long-term actions we can take to prioritize women’s leadership.